
Free tutoring for better results.

Edutive is a free tutoring service for kids from grades K-12. It is made up of entirely high school volunteers wanting to make a difference in the community. That being said, we accept people from all around the world, as the service is entirely online. We offer homework and coursework help, pairing kids specifically to tutors who specialize in each subject.

Homework Help

A tutor will be paired with the child to go over each night's homework with them. If your child needs help with a particular subject, make sure to include that in your request so we can choose the best tutor for your child's needs!

Classwork Help

Kids learn in different ways! Some kids do better if left to their own devices after receiving a bit of guidance. Your child will be paired with a tutor to go over what they learned in class that day to make sure that they have a full understanding of the classwork.

English Help

This program is to help international students or immigrant children with English! English can be a very tricky language, and it's always better to have a native speaker to learn from and chat with.


You will work with kids from grades K-12 depending on your preference. We will take your schedule into consideration, of course, but be prepared to have a few hours cleared during your week to commit to your student!

Media Managers

You will manage the social media accounts as well as the official email. This will not take as much time or commitment as being a tutor will, while still helping us and the community!

Julia Liu


Priya Balaga


Anya Mittal


  • Acton, Massachusetts, United States